Filmmakers Without Cameras: Issue 1
Filmmakers Without Cameras: Issue 1
I always loved that Nintendo's game designers were all people without a games background: Pikmin was created by a gardener, Splatoon by an artist. Disco Elysium was written by a political activist and novelist. If your reaction is to say that "Shigeru Miyamoto wasn't a gardener!", this magazine might not be for you. That's okay.
Filmmakers Without Cameras is a misnomer.
It's not a zine just about or for filmmakers; it's a love letter to films and video games, written by people whose passions lie beyond film and video games.
It's down to earth, thoroughly unpretentious, and easily accessible. Filled to the brim with love; a zine you'll enjoy looking at and flicking through; a zine made by the community.
Articles we've got lined up for our inaugural issue include, amongst others:
- Storytelling in games as compared to films: How cinematography, interaction, and narrative design affect user experience should games strive to be cinematic?
- Life At Sea: Mysteriously missing merchant ships and the science behind the Kraken.
- The Colour of Love in the Twilight Saga: Melissa's quick, witty overview of colour and the difference a change of director can have on a series.
- The Cult of Bubbling Waters: A random encounter table for Mörk Borg or other roleplaying game of your choice.
- High School Musical 2 is a Communist Manifesto: Does what it says on the tin.